Friday, February 5, 2010

The Love of God

The love of God is like a blazing fire or like a calm wind. God’s love is to be felt and understood. It is to be breathed in, like a fresh breeze on a warm, sunny day. God’s love is to be enjoyed, like a yummy milkshake, or a fun song and dance. The Holy Spirit longs for us to know Him. He desires to be felt and to be in a relationship. He desires to be listened to. He knows what our prayers and our weaknesses are. And God’s people are those who have His thoughts, who breathe His breath. The Holy Spirit is a kind Presence, deep inside, even in one’s stomach or gut. He resides inside forever. He will never leave you.

Our deepest thoughts are worth being voiced to YHWH.
He wants to know our thoughts, to have us express them to Him. His desire is to be close with His creation, with His beloved sons and daughters. YHWH placed Jesus Christ into human existence, to display His loving kindness. Breathe in His love for you. Experience His love first hand. Visualize the loving God – how does He make Himself known to you? Experience His love, flowing from the pages of the Scripture. Sense His kindness and compassion. God’s love and compassion are beyond human comprehension. YHWH’s loving power goes beyond our ability to conceive in our minds or even our hearts. Look at the expanse of the universe, of the weather, of knowledge… these, even with their awesome display, have no power to limit God. These are His creation, His genius.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a really good point that you bring up. Thanks for verbalizing some of the inner thoughts that I have had. It's a good reminder of what is really important in life and something to continue to attain.