Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What's Up in 2012

I haven't been blogging lately...hmm, I guess in about two years. In that time, I've gotten married and had a son. So, what should I talk about?  My transition from working full-time in an office to being at home, still working full-time (as a mom!) has been rough.  It definitely has its rewards though.  Seeing Benji grow and change has been amazing.

I recently chatted with my sister Bitz (aka Betsy) about parenting. She told me to put some of my ideas together for a blog. So here goes!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Things I'm Thankful for from 2010

Well, as the new year approaches, I am thinking about all that has happened in the past year. I am very thankful to God for lots of things.

I am so thankful to God for being trustworthy. There are times when I have doubted God, but He has been true to His word. God is very loving.

I am very thankful to God for Brent. He is so kind and supportive. We match each other well. We are having good times together. And he has helped me with a lot of things, among other things, packing my lunches!!!

I am very thankful for our families. They have been helpful and kind, and they've been excited for Brent and me. Plus, we now have six nephews and two nieces! They are, each one of them, a special gift from God.

I am thankful for my coworkers, who have helped with my workload, and also who have helped me to enjoy my work even more.

I am thankful to God for giving Brent and me more friends. We have been able to meet people that we have a lot in common with, and it makes life more fun.

I am thankful for being able to live in America.
I am thankful for a heated condo and car.
I am thankful for food.
I am thankful for my kitties.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

My New Name

Hi everyone. Sorry I've been away from the blog for a while... I got engaged, then married! My new name is Carrie Roos. My husband's name is Brent. We are having fun make our home tidy and cozy, especially with the cold season coming up! I'll try to get some photos up here of our wedding. It was the best day of my life. I loved having most of the special people in my life there, and the ceremony and reception were once-in-a-lifetime experiences for me. HA HA I wouldn't do anything differently if I had the chance.

The day before the wedding, whoever of the bridesmaids could make it went to the spa together. That was so fun. At the end, there was a fondue room with a chocolate fountain. Em got a little crazy!

Getting used to marriage is somewhat odd. I've had to adjust to Brent's snoring, along with other silly habits that are cute. I think my favorite thing is to see Brent when I wake up in the morning. And I like praying together, and also watching movies together -- we did that last night. Brent even cooks me breakfast sometimes, when we aren't in a rush.

I must say, I like being married. I didn't know if I would or not, but so far it's been very nice.

These past few days, my family from out of town has been here. Violet is looking older, John and Howie are fun as usual, with even more vocab and independence, and Justice is walking! Pax, the local, is also wowing me with all his skills -- talking more, climbing up into chairs, smiling and loving the attention of all of us. It's so wonderful to have nephews & a niece. And of course, I gained two more nephews and one more niece in marrying Brent. Our families are mostly local, so it's just great.

I am very thankful, especially as I ponder things in the Thanksgiving season, for tons of stuff. I pray that you too can consider what in your life, maybe up to this point, you have taken for granted, and genuinely thank God!